Issue: December 2024
Uniacke Newsletter Logo
Next deadline: January 25


Anonymous member

For those of you unaware of the CLC (Community Liason Committee), what it is and how it functions. If you visit the 'files' icon at the top of the group's page, you'll see a guide there created by the NSE (Environment). Back in 2015 when the quarry was first approved, the proponent wasn't required to set up a CLC. It was only through the efforts of some members of the community appealing the decision, that the Minister of the day, ordered the proponent to set one up. (see Minister's letter on file here also). They did 'initially', but it was a committee that we later found out was nothing more than a sham and in violation of many requirements. Despite NSE being made aware of this over a year ago, they seemed unconcerned. Should the proponent succeed with gaining approval for the expansion despite all our best efforts to make NSE aware of certain facts? Folks need to make a point of a new CLC being required and conducted properly and regularly monitored. The CLC is the only tool in the community's tool box that NSE gives to a community to have a right to any knowledge of what is going on and an avenue to have quarry complaints/concerns addressed by its members, from the various parts of the community. Not cherry picked by the proponent as was done previously - appointing folks proponent knew wouldn't care if they actually had meetings or followed protocols. Not once was the public of Mt. Uniacke made aware of the business of the CLC, as required in the operational guide. Read it for yourself. How would the community be made aware, you might wonder? In the best way possible, to reach as many as possible - the Uniacke Newsletter! We should ALL be making this 'vital' request to NSE when we send in our comments. Do it regularly, send a comment a day until the deadline of Sept. 28th. Also, another thing we should all be asking for is that the proponent be ordered to set up an electronic notification system to the community of blast dates/times, going forward. Having that important info is the only info you'll have to connect to a sudden impact on your property's structures or a shift in your wells' water table. Those interested in these notifications can supply their email addresses to the proponent. Certain others can post the notification on the group's FB page.

These are 'vital' ASKS, should NSE approve the expansion. More than ever.

Also, for those who live and travel the Uniacke Mines Rd, you should ALL be 'asking' for the road to be paved. At least as far as Sawdust Rd. Citing the structural challenges with that section coming in from the apron of Hwy. 1 to Sawdust being the oldest, poorly built section with no shoulders. Only ditches filled with rocks and water. With no centre lines, no posted speeds, no radar detection equipment, no video cams to capture reckless drivers or mishaps. Video cams would capture why and how it happened and by who. Point out the many safety shortfalls of the road. When vehicles are attempting to avoid the many potholes and driving on wrong side on a curve (at times). Putting other motorists and pedestrians at risk. Tell your own personal story of any mishaps or close calls you've had as a result of the road's condition. Not equipped to handle all that heavy commercial traffic, which makes it unsafe for the residents who live on the UM Rd, for walking their children in strollers, walking their pets, older folks just out for a stroll for the good of their health. Unsafe conditions for your children at play and while waiting for school buses. Last but not least, talk about how the dust from the gravel roadway negatively impacts your quality of life. The very air that you breathe. The very thing that this department (NSE) is mandated to ensure is there and good for 'everyone'! If you've already written your comments, that's okay. Write again. Send one comment 'every day' until the deadline (Sept. 28th). Let them know that you care about what they're deciding, that's not good for you. Let them know that you matter.